Lisu People of India
The Lisu are a Christian minority living in mountainous regions of Southern Asia. About 7000 Lisu dwell in the Vijoynagar valley, India, in the remote parts of the eastern Himalayan range. In December of 2016 two groups of SDA.Christians combined to embark on a 100 mile relief hike into the region to bring medical support. The trip was organized by Nathan Quick, Dr Michael and a family of Lisu brothers who are Pastors to the Lisu. Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Comapby was also sponsoring the trip. As a photographer and seedsman for Baker Creek heirloom seed company I was invited to travel and document the experience. The Lisu people however were an amazing lesson to us in incredible kindness, trustworthiness and Christian love. Check back again to catch the story of the trip to Voyjinagar Valley and the Radical Rescue Mission Project. Find out how you can help your brothers spread the gospel in this region where scores of other tribes have not heard the good news of Jesus.
Video: Aphu Soni relays the old man's story about the gospel affect on their people.
Video: Young Lisu maidens sing welcome song to Medical team on arrival late a night after a grueling hike.